Non-uniform day 10 Feb - money raised will go to disaster relief efforts

Non-uniform day - 10 Feb, to raise money for those affected by the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria
Dear parents and carers,
You will have all heard about the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria this week. It is the most severe to strike the area in 100 years and tens of thousands of people are missing and very sadly many lives have been lost.
The Turkish community forms a large part of our school community here at Highlands, and it is important that we act to support those who need it and have been affected by the disaster. On Friday this week we will hold a non-uniform day, all the proceeds from which will go to disaster relief efforts in the region. We will also have a special video assembly for all students to raise awareness of the disaster.
Please see the Turkey and Syria earthquake non-uniform day document below for more information.
We know that some of you reading this announcement have family who have been directly affected by the disaster, and we want you to know that our thoughts are with you and that we will do all we can to support you and your families.
Highlands School