Outstanding Progress by Sixth Form Students
The government has released the annual progress measures for sixth forms and we are delighted that Highlands has an A Level score of +0.25, which confirms that our students are making progress significantly better than expected.
In fact, this places us amongst the top 20% of schools and colleges across England and our progress score is higher than all other local schools, including selective sixth forms.
What this meant for our students in 2017 was that one in every four grades was a grade better than expected at an ‘average progress’ school. That, coupled with our record percentage of A Level grades at A* to B (60%), make us very proud of the achievement of our students.
The sixth form BTEC courses made even better progress for this smaller cohort. The +1.25 score placed this group in the top 5% of schools nationally and another set of outstanding results allowed students following this course to progress to a range of university courses and apprenticeships, including business, law, media and computer science.
You will also see that our GCSE progress score (+0.17) puts us in the top 30% of schools nationally, again representing significant progress made by our students from Year 6 to GCSE.
Congratulations to all of these students (and their teachers) on this fantastic achievement.
Please search online for performance tables for the full picture.
Mr Tuton, Deputy Head