Remote Learning
Key principles for remote learning:
- Students have access to the same high quality lesson resources that they would do when in school.
- Students have access to the same quantity of lesson time that they would do in school (5 hours per day)
- Students are able to engage in a dialogue with their teachers.
- There is minimum disruption to a student’s timetable (sequence and number of lessons).
- Students feel reassured, safe and able to organise their time effectively.
Curriculum provision for students working from home
Throughout the pandemic Highlands School students will have utilised a variety of different learning branches. These branches are:
Remote learning (for those studying at home)
Supervised learning (for those who are accessing remote learning at school)
Newsletter (for all our community)
Face to face learning (for all year groups)
Different branches grow and recede at different points. Throughout the lockdown in spring, the vast majority of our students were learning through our remote learning provision. We will be using this branch for your child when they work at home.
How will my child access any online remote education we are providing?
The remote learning provision we have in place is underpinned by these principles. Your child already has access to our learning portal, Google classroom, and this will be the vehicle through which their learning will be delivered.
How will my child be taught remotely?
Lessons will be either live or prerecorded and either uploaded onto their relevant Google classroom that morning, or scheduled to be released at the time that lesson would take place. All your child needs to do is follow their timetable and log in to the relevant Google classroom, ideally at the time the lesson would usually take place.
Engagement and feedback:
What are our expectations for your child’s engagement and the support that parents and carers should provide at home?
Each lesson will include a mixture of teacher instruction (approximately 20 minutes) and independent classwork (approximately 20 minutes). Your child will need to make sure that they complete all of their independent classwork on that day and submit it via google classroom. If they do not submit it that day they may receive a phone call from the school in the following 24 hours reminding them to submit their work
Your child’s work will be checked by their teacher and they will receive feedback from their teachers via their weekly exit ticket and comments left on substantial pieces of work (KS4/5). Staff will leave your child feedback in the form of a voice note, individual comments or whole class feedback. All feedback will be available on Google classroom. If your child studies business studies then this feedback may be via email.
Additional support for pupils with particular needs
How will we work with families with children who need additional support from adults at home to access remote education?
All students with an EHCP and other identified SEND students each have an LSA key worker. The LSA offers a weekly bespoke support programme to their key students. This will include one or more of the following depending on the student’s needs; email support, phone call support, additional scaffolded resources, video meeting support. We have also remotely launched our Lexia reading intervention to targeted year 7 and year 8 students. Targeted year 10 and year 11 students have been invited to booster maths and English sessions.