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Who is our designated safeguarding lead?

We have a dedicated team of safeguarding staff to support students.

  • Ms A Toouli - Senior assistant headteacher and designated safeguarding lead responsible for strategic safeguarding (with specific responsibility for year 8).

  • Mr M Miller - Safeguarding governor/chair of governors.

  • Mr Hurst - Deputy headteacher and deputy designated safeguarding lead.

  • Miss A Husseyin - Senior assistant headteacher and deputy designated safeguarding lead.

  • Ms A Jeynes - Assistant headteacher and deputy designated safeguarding lead (with specific responsibility for year 7).

  • Ms E Petrou - Associate assistant headteacher and deputy designated safeguarding lead (with specific responsibility for year 9).

  • Mr K Savvides - Associate assistant headteacher, Head of year 9 and deputy designated safeguarding lead (with specific responsibility for year 9).

  • Ms R Halstead - Associate assistant headteacher, Head of year 11 and deputy designated safeguarding lead (with specific responsibility for year 11).

  • Ms S Hutchinson - Assistant headteacher and deputy designated safeguarding lead (with specific responsibility for years 10 and 11).

  • Ms D Norton - Safeguarding manager and deputy designated safeguarding lead. 

  • Ms N Harrington - Inclusion officer and deputy designated safeguarding lead (with specific responsibility for looked after children).

  • Ms L Charles - School counsellor and deputy designated safeguarding lead.

Students can also speak to any member of staff at school about anything that is worrying them.

If there is a concern about a students' wellbeing or need to report a safeguarding issue, please contact staysafe@highlearn.uk