Safeguarding information for visitors and supply teachers
Wherever possible, visits to schools should be pre-arranged. All visitors must report to reception first and not enter the school via any other entrance. At reception, all visitors should explain the purpose of their visit and who has invited them. They should be ready to produce formal identification. All visitors will be asked to sign in through our electronic system, which includes a photograph of the visitor being taken.
Visitors should wait in the reception area until they are met by an appropriate staff member to be escorted to their destination. On departing the school, visitors should leave via reception, sign out of the building, return their visitor badge and be seen to leave the premises.
Visitors and supply teachers will be issued with a lanyard, which will hold the visitor’s badge. This should be worn and displayed prominently while on the school site. Visitors wearing the following lanyards are allowed to access the school building unaccompanied:
Orange – governor lanyard.
Green – staff lanyard.
Blue – supply staff lanyard.
Black – visitor lanyard (for those who are ‘DBS checked’).
A member of the school staff should accompany visitors wearing the following lanyard at all times:
Yellow – visitor lanyard.
How to report safeguarding concerns
If there is a concern that a student is being harmed, is at risk of harm, or a disclosure has been received (intentionally or unintentionally) it must be reported to a member of the safeguarding team immediately via the school office. Email your concern to as soon as possible.
Both of these actions must be carried out.