Behaviour expectations
We are committed to creating an environment where exemplary behaviour is at the heart of school life, so that all students can achieve their full potential. The aim of our behaviour policy is consistent with our wider school aims to develop young people who are kind and caring towards themselves, each other, their community and the wider world. We expect students’ behaviour and attitudes to embody the Highlands School DARE values (determination, aspiration, respect and equality).
Equal opportunity is central to everything we do at Highlands School. We adopt a zero tolerance approach to peer on peer abuse, sexual harassment, sexual violence, harassment and discrimination of any kind. All staff and students are responsible for maintaining the highest standards of behaviour and conduct, while looking out for each other and always reporting unkind or discriminatory behaviour.
Our approach to behaviour management is prevention before sanction. This approach promotes exemplary behaviour, with the aim that students do not reach the point where their behaviour results in a sanction. This means that we prioritise the consistent application of rules and expectations, early interventions and a nurturing pastoral curriculum that teaches students the core principles of self-discipline and positive relationships. Praise and reward are important aspects of our behaviour policy. We believe that recognition for positive behaviour builds confidence, builds self-efficacy and motivation. Our behaviour policy ensures that there are a variety of opportunities and methods for praise and reward. We understand that young people make mistakes and will sometimes challenge our expectations and rules. Our approach to sanctions is that they have a restorative element to them and do not simply sanction in a punitive manner. Nurturing and supporting students to behave positively is central to our approach to behaviour management. At Highlands, we believe that good behaviour creates a calm and safe school where students can learn and thrive.
Throughout the school day students will earn achievement points for their good behaviour and concern points for behaviours that do not follow school rules and expectations.
Rewards and recognition have a motivational role in helping students to see that good behaviour is valued. Our achievement points not only recognise good behaviour in the classroom, they also recognise students’ wider contribution to the school and the community. Staff allocate achievement points throughout the school day for students who demonstrate behaviours in our achievement chart. These are logged on our management information system, Bromcom. Verbal praise is used as ongoing public recognition for good behaviour and achievement points are awarded to students who maintain the school’s expected standard, as well as those who go above and beyond.
Students’ achievement points will accumulate and when students reach specific thresholds of achievement points they will be rewarded. Achievement points are tracked by each head of year on a weekly, termly and yearly basis. At Highlands School we use a variety of rewards to recognise good behaviour:
Verbal praise and recognition, in tutor time, assemblies and newsletters.
Emails to parents/carers.
Letters of commendation.
Reward vouchers.
Half-termly platinum, gold, silver and bronze certificates.
Rewards related to the school’s house system.
Keeping track of students’ holistic behaviour and achievement profile.
Ensuring that there is a response to repeated behaviour.
Ensuring that the relevant support and intervention is put into place.
Concern points are tracked by each head of year on a daily, weekly and termly basis. Students may meet the following thresholds for behaviour support and intervention:
Reminder of expectations - a behaviour expectations email is sent to parents/carers
Stage 1 - call home to discuss early concerns by the year groups behaviour mentor
Stage 2 - behaviour stage 2 letter is sent home and a phone call from head of year.
Stage 3 - behaviour stage 3 letter is sent home and a meeting takes place with the head of year.
Stage 4 - behaviour stage 4 letter is sent home and a meeting takes place with the head of year and assistant head teacher of the year group.
Stage 5 - behaviour stage 5 letter is sent home and a meeting takes place with the head of year and assistant headteacher. At this stage a pastoral support plan is implemented.
Stage 6 - behaviour stage 5 letter is sent home and a governor behaviour panel is convened.
More information about achievement codes, concern codes and behaviour point thresholds can be found in the Behaviour policy on our Policies &reports page.