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Latest news

Please see the latest news from Highlands School:

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  • 17/07/17

    Duke of Edinburgh Expedition

    The Duke of Edinburgh students all completed their Bronze expedition on 30th June-2nd July 2017.
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  • 17/07/17

    Maths Challenge Results 2017

    2017 was another successful year for Highlands pupils who took part in the UKMT Maths Challenges. 
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  • 13/07/17

    Arts Faculty Showcase

    Tuesday 18th July 2017 at 7pm. The Arts Faculty here at Highlands School will be presenting an evening showcasing the amazing work the students have done this academic year.
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  • 13/07/17

    Year 11 Prom

    The Year 11 Prom photos, ordered at the Prom on 30th June, are now in school for collection. 
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  • 12/07/17

    Science Club

    During the Summer term I have been running an after school Science Club at our PEA partner school Wilbury. 
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  • 11/07/17

    Highlands E-Safety Update: SnapMap

    Important message for Parents and Carers!
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  • 10/07/17

    French and Spanish Spelling Bee

    The MFL Faculty would like to congratulate the following pupils who went through to the regional competition of the French and Spanish spelling bee: Nagham Hassan, Dotun Olgbake and Amy Ellerby.
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  • 07/07/17

    Keep in Touch Day

    The Highlands' Hearing Impaired Base took the Year 8 and 9 students to Heathcote School for a Keep in Touch Day on Thursday 6th July. 
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  • 06/07/17

    Oxford First!

    We would like to congratulate ex-student Chris O’Donnell who has graduated from Balliol College Oxford with a First in Maths and Computer Science.  
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  • 30/06/17

    Could Briana be the next Doctor Who?

    Watch out for Briana Shann (Year 8) in the season finale of Doctor Who (shown on Saturday 1 July).
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  • 27/06/17

    English Readathon

    The annual Highland’s Readathon took place for Years 7 and 8 who were sponsored to read at least three books over a two week period.  
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  • 27/06/17

    Sports Day Medal Competition

    Please see below for full details of the Yr 8 and 9 Sports Day Medal Competition.
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