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Year 11 GCSEs 2017 - Study Camps & Timetable


  • Friday 12 May 2017: regular timetable day, best smart dress & shirt signing, and at 3.05pm, your final assembly followed by a food feast
  • From Monday 15 May 2017 there will no longer be Year 11 AM/PM registration
  • You MUST attend ALL LESSONS and CAMPS relating to each one of your exams
  • For an afternoon exam, your lunch will always be Period 5 – even if your regular timetable for the day was period 6
  • For some CAMPS (e.g Maths, Sciences, English, MFL) grouping/room might be changed – check with your teachers
  • Full school uniform must be worn correctly at all times and all normal school rules must be followed

PHASE 1: 15 May – 26 May 2017

There is no home study leave. Depending on your own, personal exam timetable, you must attend in order of priority:

  1. Your exam
  2. Your exam camp
  3. Your lessons (which will be a supervised study if you have sat the exam)

Half-Term Monday 29 May – Friday 2 June 2017

PHASE 2: 5 June – 30 June 2017

You must attend in order of priority:

  1. Your exam
  2. Your exam camp
  3. Your lessons, if you have not yet sat the full exam.

If you have no exam, no exam camp and no exam lesson remaining on the day, you should:

  1. Use the canteen for one or two periods of unsupervised, quiet study
  2. Stay at home or go home for independent study

Do NOT hang around in corridors - and the canteen is for private study, not socialising