Sixth Form Applications
Sixth Form Applications for September 2023, find out how to apply
Applications for September 2023
We are delighted that you are interested in applying for Highlands sixth form. Our sixth form is amongst the highest performing in London by attainment and progress with students moving on to outstanding universities and post 18 courses.
External Applications
If you are an external student then you can apply by completing the application form linked here. Kindly note that you will need your predicted grades to complete the application form. Once we have received your application we will contact your current school to obtain a reference. The deadline for applications is 15 January 2023.
September 2023 external students' application form CLICK HERE
Internal Applications
In December, we will be sending all internal students a short survey to complete. This initial survey is to indicate your subject preferences for the sixth form. Please note that this is not your application form. On the 16th January you will meet with a member of senior staff where you can discuss your pathways, and they will submit your internal application form. Students' pathways will be discussed with reference to their predicted grades and in conjunction with the information that students provided in the internal survey. This will take place the week after the year 11 parents evening on 11th January 2023.