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Senior Leadership Team

Mr V McInerney

Mr V McInerney

Ms M Lloyd

Ms M Lloyd
Deputy headteacher

Mr Hurst

Mr T Hurst
Deputy headteacher

Ms Toouli

Ms A Toouli
Senior assistant headteacher and Designated safeguard lead

Ms Husseyin

Ms A Husseyin
Director of sixth form and Senior assistant headteacher

Ms McGlasson

Ms L McGlasson
Assistant headteacher

Dr V Tsoni

Dr V Tsoni
Assistant headteacher and SENCO

Ms S Hutchinson

Ms S Hutchinson
Assistant headteacher

Ms A Jeynes

Ms A Jeynes
Assistant headteacher 

Ms E Petrou

Ms E Petrou
Associate assistant headteacher

Ms Halstead

Ms R Halstead
Associate assistant headteacher and head of year 11

Ms Hurford

Ms K Hurford
Associate assistant headteacher (maternity)

Dr Len

Dr A Len
Associate assistant headteacher

Mr Savvides

Mr Savvides
Associate assistant headteacher and Head of year 9

Mrs Czupich

Mrs S Czupich
School manager